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Boost Your Home's Value With a Boundary Wall Upgrade

In today’s day and age, perimeter security is a major concern for most homeowners, but many overlook the importance of boundary walls and fences when it’s time to sell.

If adding a new boundary wall or fence will provide more privacy, buffer sounds from the street, or simply create a more useable front garden or courtyard for children and pets, it could be worth the investment.

This is according to Schalk van der Merwe, one of the RawsonProperty Group’s Helderberg franchisees, who says this could end up being an expensive mistake.

Van der Merwe recommends asking yourself these four questions about your property’s perimeter to decide whether an upgrade could benefit your sale.

1. What’s the first thing that visitors and potential buyers see when approaching my home?

As we all know, first impressions count, and they can play a big role in putting buyers in the right frame of mind when viewing your property. 

Van der Merve says having a boundary fence or wall that looks shabby, poorly maintained or out of place can give the impression that your home has not been well-cared for. He says there’s nothing worse than visiting a show house and entering through a crumbling fence or cracked, unstable-looking wall. No matter how well-cared for the rest of your home is, that first impression will stick in buyers’ minds, he says.

If this is the case with your property, do the necessary repairs or replacement before putting your house on the market. Van der Merwe says houses that appear well-loved always achieve better sale prices than those that hint at neglect.

2. Does my boundary wall enhance or detract from my property’s aesthetics?

Boundary walls and fences come in all shapes and sizes, and not all of those will suit your particular property and neighbourhood style. 

Van der Merwe says sometimes no fence is better than a bad fence. He says it’s important to take street appeal into consideration. If your boundary makes, or is going to make, your property stick out like a sore thumb or look like a prison, it’s not going to be adding value to your home. In fact, he says it might do the exact opposite, which could make a renovation well worth your while.

3. How does my boundary compare to that of my neighbours'?

Keeping up with the Joneses may not be how you want to live your life, but when it comes to security it is important.

Buyers compare properties to those in the immediate area, says van der Merwe, and some of the most obvious differences are those you can see from the street. He says if all your neighbours have high walls or electric fencing, and your home does not, buyers are going to have some safety concerns. In such a case, he says there’s a 99% chance you’ll increase your home’s value by upgrading your security to equal or better that of your neighbours.

4. Will a new boundary wall or fence increase my home’s privacy or convenience?

If adding a new boundary wall or fence will provide more privacy, buffer sounds from the street, or simply create a more useable front garden or courtyard for children and pets, it could be worth the investment.

Van der Merwe says privacy and usability are more important than ever, now that neighbourhoods are becoming more densely populated and properties are getting smaller. He says the more serene and private a property feels, and the more usable space there is, the more people are generally willing to pay. If a boundary wall can help you maximise these aspects, then it’s likely to pay off when it’s time to sell, he says.

“In almost all cases, a well-designed and well-maintained boundary wall or fence adds significant value to a property. It does, however, need to fit in with the lifestyle and aesthetics of your home. Properties that lack perimeter protection, on the other hand, can linger on the market as most buyers don’t want to have to build fences as soon as they move in.”

For owners planning on boundary upgrades, van der Merwe strongly advises choosing a quality product and trustworthy team, as cutting corners can backfire when it comes to selling down the line. He says the moral of the story is to build something that you can be proud of that enhances your property. He says buyers will see that value, and it will have a positive effect on your sale.

11 Apr 2016
Author Property 24
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