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Water Conservation Pays Off Over Festive Season

The Department of Water and Sanitation has thanked South Africans and tourists for their efforts to save water during the festive season.

It said the water use efficiency and water conservation practices of most responsible South Africans and visitors are playing an important part in ensuring that all have access to the little available water.

The department on Friday said the current drought and the extreme heatwave are having a major negative impact on the limited water resources, as there is more evaporation and no rain. 

“This calls for all in the country to use the available water sparingly and efficiently,” said the department. 

The department said South Africa is a water scarce country and the drought is resulting in the drying up of dams and rivers. 

It said the water use efficiency and water conservation practices of most responsible South Africans and visitors are playing an important part in ensuring that all have access to the little available water. 

“As the Department of Water and Sanitation, we would like to encourage all responsible citizens and tourists to continue practising water conservation and to humbly urge those outside to join the movement of water conservation. 

“We must use water efficiently as we are affected by the drought and water supply challenges in the country. Let us make water conservation a daily activity, not only during the drought or the festive season but throughout the year and upcoming years,” said the department.

12 Jan 2016
Author Property 24
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